for Outer East Portland
¡Hola mi gente y bienvenidos! Thank you for visiting my campaign website. My name is Andrea Valderrama, and I’m running to represent my community members - you! - in HD 47 as state representative and the first Peruvian American legislator. Join my campaign as we work together to build a more racially and socially equitable Oregon for all.
¡ Gracias por su apoyo !

My values are rooted in the four, Incan communal principles of ayni, yachay, munay, and ll’ankay.
Ayni translates to reciprocity/balance or reciprocated. This value is expressed through people working together collaboratively for mutual benefit.
Yachay translates to knowing/knowledge or conocimiento. This value encourages inner knowing and higher consciousness through setting intention and presence.

Outer East Portland Investments
I was proud to direct American Rescue Plan Act dollars into our district in 2021 by allocating funding to Rosewood Equitable Neighborhood Development ($1,150,000), APANO Property Acquisition Fund ($350,000), and East Portland Prosperity Initiative ($500,000).
From the 2023 session, I secured $3 million for the Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center, whose home base is in HD 47, to invest further in community violence prevention and intervention efforts. In addition, we funded REAP's Youth Entrepreneurship Program

platform & agenda
My platform is rooted in racial, economic, disability, climate, and gender justice. Through my values I am able to address pressing issues that continue to disproportionately impact our communities and neighborhoods in House District 47. I have eight priority areas - learn more about them below.